شجرة المالونجاي من الأشجار التي احبها جدا لأسباب كثيرة. بعيدا عن الاستخدامات الغذائية والطبية العديدة ، مصدر حبى لهذه الشجر ة يرجع الي سهولة زراعتها حيث لا تحتاج الي رعاية خاصة ، بجانب أنها تنمو بسرعة وتعطى اللون الأخضر الذ ى أعشقه دون مشقة أو طول انتظار. ولذلك كتبت هذه المقال لنستكشف معا السبب وراء… متابعة قراءة شجرة المالونجاي في الفلبين
التصنيف: Healthcare Philippines
Department of Health website
Department of Health website
The Wellness Movement: Boosting Mental Health of Filipino Healthcare Workers
The Department of Health (DOH), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Australian Government joined forces to launch “The Wellness Movement,” an initiative aimed at improving the mental health and well-being of over 3,000 healthcare workers in the Philippines. The high stress levels experienced by healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic has led to increased… متابعة قراءة The Wellness Movement: Boosting Mental Health of Filipino Healthcare Workers
Poor Infrastructure in Rural Philippines: Impact on healthcare
A report about Access to healthcare in the Philippines in rural hospitals with poor infrastructure.
Inadequate healthcare access in The Philippines
The Philippines struggles with inadequate healthcare access, particularly in rural areas. Shortage of healthcare professionals, lack of funding and poor infrastructure are some reasons for that.
Healthcare System in The Philippines: An Overview
The Philippines healthcare system struggles with inadequate access, quality and funding despite government efforts.