Jeepney Modernization Program in the Philippines

The jeepney modernization program

  • PUVs – Public Utelity vehicle – more than 15 years old will be banned from the road. They will be replaced by vehicles with “low-carbon and low-emission technology. There are about 180,000 public utility jeepneys, that will be affected. They comprise about 57 percent of the total PUVs.  Jeepneys are considered as the “biggest source” of carbon dioxide emission.
  • Strong groups are opposing the said Jeepney Modernization Program. They arranged the Monday’s transport nationwide strike. That strike resulted in suspension of government work and schools for 2 days.
  • The DOT officials insisted the urgent need to start with the modernization program, despite all the oopositions. Presidential spokesman said the Jeepney Modernization Program is “long overdue.”

Goals of the jeepney modernization program

According to the DOTr; the Jeepney Modernization Program plans to achieve the following goals:

  • Safe and comfortable transport
  • Predictable travel time
  • Disciplined and competent drivers
  • Fair regulations

DOTr is planning to achieve the above goals through these 4 main procedures. Those procedures are phaseout of old PUVs , changes in franchising system, new route plans, training for drivers.


There were several attempts in the past to modernize the public transport system but these have been postponed due to oppositions and transport strikes. So, an outdated public transport system resulted and causing many transport and public issues. Some public transport groups are supportive of the program.

Strike won’t stop jeepney modernization plan

Malacañang on Monday 16 Oc, 2017 said it was committed to pursuing the jeepney modernization program. This means the nationwide transport strikes will never stop the jeepney modernization program. “The Administration remains committed to the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP), which is long overdue” ; Presidential Spokesperson Ernesto Abella said in a statement. “There were several attempts in the past to modernize the public transport system but these have been thwarted due to similar transport strikes”.



READ: Why some transport groups oppose jeepney phaseout

READ:Gov’t deploys 54 vehicles in Metro Manila for jeepney strike

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