تأشيرة طالب فى الفلبين ، ما هي المتطلبات للحصول علىها؟

فيما يلي المتطلبات للحصول على تأشيرة طالب فى الفلبين. هناك نوعان من التأشيرات ، التأشيرة الأولى يسمى (9أيه) والتأشيرة الثانية (9أف) ، لاحظ أن التأشيرة الثانية هي تأشيرة زيارة مؤقتة للدخول الى الفلبين تنتهى غالبا بعد شهر ، بعدها يمكن تحويلها إلى تأشيرة طالب أو تأشيرة دراسة خاصة في الفلبين. وفيم يلى الخطوات (بالأنجليزية) لأنه متوقع أن من يرغب الدراسة فى الفلبين يعرف الأنجليزية ، بالأضافة لصعوبة كتابت أسماء التأشيرات بالعربية.

متطلبات الحصول على تأشيرة طالب – التأشيرة الأولى

1- خطاب موقع عليه من الطالب

1. Formal letter written (typewritten) and signed by the student addressed to The Head, Consular Section, Embassy of the Philippines, stating the destination (if studying, state name of school or university), specific purpose (if pursuing a degree, state course or program), duration of the course/program (based on academic calendar) or expected stay in the Philippines, and requesting for issuance of appropriate visa.
The letter must also indicate the supporting documents accompanying the letter, with tabs, as follows:
Tab “A”: Original letter requesting for issuance of appropriate visa as indicated in number 1 above;
Tab “B”: Completely filled out Visa Application Form;
Tab “C”: Original and photocopy of acceptance letter from the university or learning institution, with required attachments as indicated in number 3 below;
Tab “D”: Proof of payment of tuition as indicated in number 4 below;
Tab “E”: Original and photocopy of Certificate of Eligibility for Admission from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), duly authenticated by the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila, for students pursuing Medicine or Dentistry. Leave this tab blank when it is not applicable;
Tab “F”: Original and photocopy of Affidavit of Support and Consent duly notarized and authenticated by Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), with attachments as indicated in number 5 below (the attachments need not be photocopied); and
Tab “G”: Copy of return air ticket.

2- نموذج طلب التأشيرة حسب الأصول

2. Duly accomplished Visa Application Form, with clear passport-size ID picture of the applicant, with white background. Scanned photo and incompletely filled out application form will not be accepted. (Visa Application Form may be obtained from the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Philippines).

3- خطاب القبول من الجامعة – الأصلى وصورة منه

3. Original and photocopy of the letter of acceptance from the university addressed to the student, printed on the university’s letter-head and bearing the clear imprint of the university’s dry seal and signature of the university’s registrar or its authorized representative.The letter must state the complete name of the student, his/her passport details, the degree program he/she has been accepted into, and the inclusive semester(s) and school year(s) to complete the program.The letter must be accompanied by the university’s schedule of all fees to be paid for by the student, simplified in matrix form, for the entire course or program in which the student has been accepted, including fees that involve the conversion of their 9(a) visa into 9(f)

4- أيصا دفع رسوم الجراسة لأول سمستر

4. Proof of payment of tuition fee for the first semester (i.e., original official receipt from the university, or wire transfer payable to the name and account of the accepting institution).

5- شهادة من التشيد لطلبة الطب والأسنان

5. If student is pursuing Medicine or Dentistry, original and photocopy of Certificate of Eligibility for Admission from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), duly authenticated by the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila.

6- حطاب موافقة ودعم الأباء

6. Original and photocopy of Letter of Support and Consent of parents, duly notarized and authenticated by Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), with attached proof of financial capacity to travel and pay for tuition and other expenses (an example of such proof is bank statement bearing the seal of the issuing bank and signature of the bank’s authorized representative, including proof of income and/or employment of parents).

7- ذهاب الطال شخصيا الى قنصلية الفلبين

7. Personal appearance of the student at the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Philippines, for interview.

8 – تذكرة طيرات ذهاب وعودة

8. Return air ticket. The ticket must be valid for one year, or until or after the completion of the course or program to be taken by the student.

متطلبات الحصول على تأشيرة طالب – التأشيرة الثانية

1- تأشيرة زيارة مؤقتة للدخول الى الفلبين

تحتوي هذه الصورة على سمة alt فارغة; اسم الملف هو Philippines-visa-student.jpg

2. Two originals of duly accomplished application form; 

3. Original passport valid not less than six months beyond intended period of stay in the Philippines; 

4. Two (2) photographs; 

5. Original and one (1) photocopy of birth certificate, verified and authenticated at the Embassy of the Philippines; 

6. Original and one (1) photocopy of affidavit of support executed by parent/s or legal guardian to be authenticated at the Embassy of the Philippines;

 7. Two (2) photocopies of parent/guardian’s passport data page; 

8. Original and one (1) photocopy of transcript of records authenticated at the Embassy of the Philippines; 

9. Original and one (1) photocopy of certificate of good moral character authenticated at the Embassy of the Philippines; 

10. Original and one (1) photocopy of police certificate authenticated by the Embassy of the Philippines; 

11. Original and one (1) photocopy of medical examination reports, including X-ray film contained in an envelope authenticated at the Embassy of the Philippines; 

12. Duly accomplished Personal History Statement forms from the school concerned; 

13. Original and one (1) photocopy of comprehensive list of student’s possible contact persons in the Philippines; 

14. Diploma is required for student applicant who will pursue graduate studies (authenticated at the Embassy of the Philippines);

15. Payment of Rs. 16,000 (subject to periodic change) in demand draft payable to the Embassy of the Philippines.

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