International Cat Day in The Philippines

I did not know that there was a day for cats called the “International Cat Day”, till now while I am browsing the Internet, reading the news from here and there.

An incident happened for me, when I was nine years old, since then I no longer keep pets or think of them. That time, I had a beautiful dog, I was really so close and loved him very much, until the day came that separated me from all pets. Since then I never experience living with any pet.

One day, “Tarzan” went out of the house, Tarzan was its name. I went out to find where he was. My heart was constrained to hear the sound of a gunshot, so I rushed in the direction of the sound. I was horrified by the situation, and became very angry. I saw Tarzan lying on the ground, no signs of life. The anti-stray dog men standing nearby.

I did not control myself rushing to the man who killed “Tarzan” and and started punching him with my small fist, with a flow of dirty curses and words. I do not know where did I learn all those bad words.

The other man was angry for my aggressive behavior, grabbed me from my shoulders , and eyes sparking with madness. He shouted, vowing: “If you do not calm down and keep quiet, I kill you to be with your dog”. Then he let me fall to the ground. I tried to re-attack them again, but I felt strong hands holding me up. That were my dad’s hands.

My father came from behind , took me into his arms, and kissed me: “Do not cry dear son, this is God’s will”. He took me back home promising to bring another dog, more beautiful and stronger than “Tarzan.”

My parents told me that I stayed more than one week , crying and suffering for “Tarzan” death. Since then, I never see pets inside my house, till recently when I moved to live in the Philippines.

Filipinos love pets, care them the way they care their kids. Few months ago some one gave us a gift, it was a cat. Few weeks later another friend bring us a very cute young dog. At the start, it was hard for me to accept them inside my house, but later I was ok , and used for their presence around me.

Being with our new pets for a while, I realized why Filipinos love pets. but I did not notice that there was an international cat day celebrated worldwide, till today.

International Cat Day in Philippines

I read in one of the local news papers:” MANILA – Celebrate International Cat Day by helping out your feline friends in need”. Filipinos also celebrate the national cat day! why not? No wonder, people of the Philippines are know to be very kind to pets, so no wonder if they were the first to celebrate a day for cat and another day for dog.

About International Cat Day

August 8 is International Cat Day. The International Fund for Animal Welfare and other animal rights groups started to celebrate cat day, the most popular pet around the globe. That was 2002.

رد واحد على “International Cat Day in The Philippines”

  1. Thanks Dr Helal for sharing ‘Tarzan’ story. Big hearts for pets are signs of kind people and real great men. Enjoying your videos alot. Much appreciated and all the best.

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