What is high blood pressure – Hypertension? Why is it called the silent killer?

What is high blood pressure – Hypertension? Why is it called the silent killer? How do you know if you have HBP?

High blood pressure (hypertension) is diagnosed when your blood pressure is consistently higher than normal for your body. Anyone’s blood pressure can be high every now and then. When your blood pressure is always high, you likely have hypertension.

 Normal and high Blood Pressure
Normal and high Blood Pressure

hypertension is a common problem worldwide; in the United States. The American Heart Association estimates that about half of all American adults have hypertension.

What is high blood pressure
high blood pressure around the world

So how do you know if you have HBP?
The best way to know that you have it is by checking your blood pressure regularly, as hypertension doesn’t always have symptoms. Blood pressure must be measured as a routine during check.

Why is high blood pressure called the silent killer?

About 30% of patients with hypertension don’t know they have it. Even no obvious symptoms, they may progress to complication. That is why hypertension is called “the silent killer.”

If High blood pressure left untreated, it can lead to:

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney failure
  • Eye damage
  • Death

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