Philippines News , Covid-19 , 02 Aug 2020

اخبار كوفيد-19 في الفلبين يوم الأحد ٢ أغسطس ٢٠٢٠

Covid-19 cases in the Philippines exceed 103, 000 confirmed cases.

اخبار الفلبين ، مرض كوفيد-19 ، يوم الأحد ٢ أغسطس ٢٠٢٠

According to a report of the Philippinedepartment of Health (DOH) today, Sunday, August 02: the Philippines records of new cases daily with Covid-19 are still high. 5,032 new cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed, the total confirmed cases is now 103,185 cases. Of the confirmed cases, 35,569 are active. An additional 301 people have recovered, bringing the total recovery to 65,557. 20 new people have died today. The total COVID-19 related death is now 2059.

Philippine News, Covid-19 disease, Sunday, August 2, 2020

More than half of the new cases today were recorded in the Metro Manila Region which is 2737 cases, and in Cavete 463, while in Cebu City 449, Laguna 326, and Rizal 201 new cases today.

Almost half of all cases in the country (reprted by DOH) were reported during last month. Hospitals warned of reaching their maximum capacity.

Metromanilla and four provinces in the Philippines undr MCQ

I Metromanella and four provinces in the Philippines are back to ahrder Quarintine MECQ , amid increasing daily new cases of covid-19.

Interior Minister Eduardo Aneo reminded the public today, Monday, that quarantine pass (permit to go out at the time of quarantine) will be required again. Also mass transportation in areas subject to the Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) will be banned. Metromanilla and four provinces in the Philippines were back to a stricter quarantine, amid increasing daily new cases of coronavirus.

اخبار الفلبين ، مرض كوفيد-19 ، يوم الأحد 2 أغسطس 2020
Philippines News, Covid-19 disease, Sunday, August 2, 2020
Mass transportation will be prohibited in MECQ areas.

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