Movie Cinema in Saudi and Philippines tourism

Recently, news were published talking about opening of the first cinema in Saudi Arabia in Jeddah city. Will the opening of cinemas in Jeddah and similar projects to follow, adversely affect the influx of Saudis to other countries – and the Philippines is not an exception. The Philippines is one of the most desired tourist destinations for Saudis as well as other Arab nationals. They come to the Philippines for entertainment and recreational activities that are not available in their country. This is what I am going to discuss in this article.

Waves of Change in Saudi Arabia

The opening of such recreational activities is one of the signs of transformation in Saudi Arabia environment. Saudi is know with its very conservative and religiously strict society. I have lived for a long time in Saudi Arabia, working as a doctor, I know more about the Saudis character and their traditions. At that time – before 2002 – I could not imagine that Saudi Arabia would be open society one day.

Sure, the way is not easy for those calling for the change in Saudi. I can imagine how difficult to introduce such changes , which had been strictly prohibited – under the Islamic conservative law – throughout the Saudi history.

I see changes coming inevitably, that Movie Cinema will continue and will not be the last recreational activities in Saudi.

By the way, I remember an Egyptian talk show host – Samir Sabri – when he hosted one of the relatively open minded Saudi sheikhs. The host asked about the voice of the woman , Halal or Haram. The Saudi sheikh answered firmly “it is Haram”. The host asked again, “Even the voice of Umm Kulthum?” Umm Kulthum was a famous singer not only in the Arab countries , but also known all over the world. The Saudi sheikh hesitated for a moment before answering:”The voice of women is prohibited in public, this is our Islam.” The Saudi government prohibited any kind of entertainment , that was accepted and tolerated by other Muslim countries.

I see that Movie Cinema will continue and will not be the last entertainment activities introduced to Saudis, but it will be followed by many similar and other kinds of recreational and entertainment activities that were previously taboo. The repeat again question I raised at the beginning: Will these new changes on Saudi Arabia, such as Movie Cinema, affect the influx of Saudis tourists to other countries such as the Philippines?

FOX will open the first multicomplex cinema in Jeddah in December.

Movie Cinema in Saudi and Philippines Tourism

Will Philippines tourism be affected? Will the number of Saudi tourists will decrease after the openings of leisure activities, such as Movie Cinema, in Saudi Arabia?

Many of us know that the tourism from Saudi to the Philippines has witnessed a boom in recently. The number of Saudi visitors to the Philippines for tourism has increased significantly during last few years.

Here is a short notes of available types of attractions , for which Saudi tourists come to the Philippines. After reading the following excerpt about what the Philippines offers to the Saudi tourists, you will be able to answer my question without my help.

Anyone visited the Philippines, as a tourist, study or work , knows very well what the Philippines can offer to tourists, and cinema is not one of the its tourist attractions. Cinemas, and theaters are not tourism attractions in the Philippines, such activities are the ones Saudi will offer to their citizens in the near future.

What is offered as a tourist attraction in the Philippines, is not existing in Saudi Arabia, and will never do. Attractions that drive the Saudi tourists to travel all the way from Saudi to Philippines, take nine or ten hours by air.

Wonderful islands and beaches along the the Philippines coastal line, are nominated as the most beautiful in the world. The Philippines countryside fields and mountains rich with springs and waterfalls, are few of more of the attractions in the Philippines. Night clubs , bars, live bands are also important attractions for many Arab tourists, including Saudis.

What I have mentioned earlier is just a few of the many available attractions in the Philippines. Also the Filipino people Who are hospitable and warm welcoming all foreigners visiting their country. Filipinos are truly a tourist attraction that cannot be found in any other country.

Warm hospitable Filipinos.

The bottom line

The Philippines tourism will not be affected because of movie cinema and similar entertainment activities that will find its way to the cities of Saudi Arabia. The Philippines will have more Saudis coming after the remarkable boom in improving its infrastructure and roads. Also the Government of the Philippines is upgrading tourism services and facilities offered for foreign tourists.

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