Teenage mothers are rising in the Philippines

Teen pregnancy numbers are rising in the Philippines

You cannot believe, but these are numbers! The reports say, about 500 Filipino teenagers become mothers every day. That means about 182,500 teenage mothers every year. Hundreds of thousands of Filipino girls gave birth when they were just teenagers. Teen pregnancy rates are declining in many countries , but the numbers are rising in the Philippines.

10 per cent young Filipino women age 15-19 has got pregnant: 8 percent are mothers now and 2 percent are pregnant with their first child. 43% are already mothers from teenage women age 20 to 24. And 4% are pregnant with their first child.

No permission for sex but !

In the Philippines girls can do sex even they are only 12 old. But; they need parents’ permission to get contraception by any means! This permission is required fro any girl below 18 years old.

Studies show that initiation of sexual activity before age 18 is more commonly seen with less education. Also, it is more common with those who are poor. High incidence of sex practice is nearly related to education level.  Over 40% of young girls with elementary education only, compared with only 7 percent of those with high education.


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