The Philippines is the best place to return to nature

One of the most effective remedies is here in my article. We completely ignore it in treating our diseases or keeping healthy.  Our wellness requires  mainly the stress relieve, stress that we experience daily in our normal lives. That remedy is to return to nature, which is the easiest treatment, available and accessible to everyone. It costs only the desire and determination to use it as an effective means of treatment of diseases and staying healthy.

MetroManila is crowded with buildings and streets

Some times I leave Manila going to the province , to small barangay or village , which is a real return to nature. Once I reach there escaping to nature, I will notice how quickly my mood has changed from the time I left my house. There I can walk, drive, bike, climb a mountain. In Manila city, the suffering of walking, driving my car or riding public transport in the its crowded roads, are really mood and energy depleters.

Return to Nature

When I’m between the arms of nature outside Manila, great change of my mood and psychological fitness, Changes into a positive way.

With my kids in Virac province 2018 summer

Nature is forgetting, forgiving, and treating

Nature makes me forget all my worries and daily problems. It makes me welcome and accept my life as is, and teach me to be patient patience. It is a real training to calm and tranquility, which I miss during me daily struggle with everything around me in the city.

In the arms of nature, time is no longer very important, such a practice can lead to amazing health benefits. All of us need to lower the levels of stress hormone cortisol, and also to lower blood pressure. We also need to boost our immune system. Return to nature is available and free remedy that gives us a boost for all useful hormones. I believe – supported by Some researchers findings – that walking in a village green environment, a mountain or any form of nature, has low blood pressure, low cortisol, and a lower heart rate effects. The contrast is walking in the crowded city.

Bottom line

If you are living in the Philippines , take advantage of its beautiful provinces. Do not confine your self into the city. there are many near provinces , 2 hours or less from Manila. Tagatay, Cavite, Rizal provinces are only few of them. Return to nature during week ends, so as you can start your next Monday fresh and in a positive mood.

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